

Japanese noodle (day 2)

I continue to write a blog about the Japanese noodle.

In Hokkaido where I live, a miso flavor ramen is the most famous and it must be trying to eat because of its popularity as well as the great taste.

Especially, it is loved in Sapporo.

But please put in your mind this, there is a syoyu flaver ramen which is also really loved in Asahikawa, where the centre of Hokkaido.

I regularily go there in order to just eat it from my living place in spite of the long distance all the way.

Asahikawa is far from Sapporo about ninety kilo meters so I usually spent a time approximately one and half hours by car.

Even though I don't mind it because it's sooo yumm!

Syoyu flavour ramen are supposed to be not really rich and strong taste, however that the asahikawa ramen are different from those.

If you come to Hokkaido, please don't forget to eat both of them.

I guarantee you'll enjoy your meals each time.


I want to talk something about ramen more but I need to finish writing the blog for working.

I might be writing about Japanese ramen again someday, so I wanna say to go on to the next.